In December 2021, OeEB signed a bilateral credit line of USD 20 million with Khan Bank in Mongolia. In 2018, OeEB already contributed USD 15 million to a long-term loan to Khan Bank, arranged by Dutch Development Finance Institution FMO. The funds are dedicated to financing local micro, small and medium-sized businesses. Besides OeEB and FMO, the German and Belgian Development Finance Institutions DEG and BIO as well as the International Investment Bank participated 2018 in the financing.

Project name

Khan Bank LLC


Southern and Eastern Asia


Financial sector / Microfinance / SME


Investment Finance

Project country Mongolia
OeEB project volume

USD 20 million

Projekt partner(s)

Khan Bank LCC

Khan Bank was founded in 1991 and is one of the leading financial institutions in Mongolia. With the country’s largest branch network it reaches customers in urban as well as in rural areas.

The credit line co-financed by OeEB enables Khan Bank to expand its MSME business. MSMEs make up the majority of Mongolia’s private sector and therefore play a crucial role in the country’s further economic development. However, restricted access to finance often limits their ability to invest and grow. By improving MSMEs' access to finance, an important contribution is made to strengthening the private sector as well as to securing and creating jobs.