
Creating new perspectives in a vulnerable region

Via microloans, the SANAD Fund for MSME supports micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and helps create jobs in the Middle East and Northern Africa.
Renewable Energy

Climate finance needs private sector commitment

Energy poverty is still high in many developing countries. Without commitment of the private sector this gap cannot be closed.

EDFI Report: Investing to create jobs, boost growth and fight poverty

The EDFI Flagship Report 2016 shows how the European Development Finance Institutions (EDFI) contribute to creating jobs, boosting growth and fighting poverty.
Development Effects

Development Report: Creating jobs and new perspectives

A stable income as the key for better living conditions: Over 170,000 people are employed in the companies and financial institutions that received OeEB financing.
Renewable Energy

ElectriFI invites submission of project proposals

The Electrification Financing Initiative, ElectriFI, has opened its doors. Interested parties can now submit their project proposals.
Annual Report

Business year 2015: Sustainable development requires committed businesses

It is especially private investors and businesses that enable sustainable growth and economic development. Also in 2015, OeEB's loan and equity financing was in demand.

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F +43 1 5331200-4993