  • Steffen Suhany takes over strategic and operational bank-wide risk management
  • OeEB founding and Executive Board member Michael Wancata enters retirement 

Vienna, 14th May 2024 – Steffen Suhany will assume responsibility for the strategic and operational bank-wide risk management at OeEB starting June 1, 2024. He has many years of experience in development finance and most recently worked for the German Development Finance Institution DEG. In this new position, he will succeed Michael Wancata, who has been a member of the Executive Board since OeEB was founded in 2008 and will retire at the end of May 2024. 

"In the 16 years of its existence, OeEB has established itself as a key player within the Austrian development cooperation. Michael Wancata has made a significant contribution to this development in his role as a founding member and board member of OeEB. I am therefore especially pleased that we have been able to recruit Steffen Suhany, a highly qualified expert, as his successor and wish him all the best in his new role," said Helmut Bernkopf, Member of the Executive Board of OeKB and Chairman of OeEB’s Supervisory Board, on the appointment of Steffen Suhany.

Steffen Suhany will take over the strategic and operational risk management of the back office on OeEB's Executive Board from June 2024, focusing on bank-wide risk management and continuing to drive forward the implementation of efficient processes and structures as well as digitalisation. He will jointly lead OeEB with Sabine Gaber, who has worked at OeEB since 2009 and has been a member of the Executive Board since 2018.

The development finance expert has decades of experience and in-depth know-how in loan, mezzanine, and equity financing at commercial and development banks, both on market as well as on credit risk side. He has been with DEG since 2005, where he currently runs the "Compliance and Risk Controlling" department after holding several management positions.